Animal Communication
Weather Predictions 2006: Can animals predict the weather? Consider this!
Animal Weather Predictions
29 December 2006 — Cassie
"We will have NO wildfires this year, Mom."
Cassie, a 14-year-old cat in Avada, CO, mentioned this her mom Robin during their consult just before New Year's. I asked Robin if they have had them in the past and she reported that they sure do. Last year they could smell only one, but in previous years they have had many. Arvada is a suburb of Denver.
Cassie had also said that the road to the cottage would passable for their upcoming annual trip there in January. "We have to go Berthod Pass," Robin said, "and it can be treacherous." At the time of Cassie's predictions, Denver airport had only recently reopened from the Christmas storms that swept the area, and they were in the process of getting another one as we spoke. Surely the Pass, in the Rockies, was heavily inundated with snow.
Update 29 December, 2006
"She was absolutely right!" Robyn announced when I asked later in 2007. "There was no problem getting over the Pass at all," she continued.
As for the wildfires, there were none in their vicinity of Arvada at all, and the entire of Colorado only had 3 or 4, she said, which was very low anyway, especially considering the year before in 2005.
28 November 2006 — Mercedes

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Mercedes is a 15 year old Thoroughbred living in Jacksonville, FL. He has been a very accurate hurricane predictor in past years however this year he never mentioned a word about hurricanes. Finding it rather odd this past June and July, when he usually would be starting to issue forth worries and concerns, in retrospect we were thrilled to see that his NOT predicting for this season proved true. No hurricanes of significance in the Atlantic Basin came ashore in the US except for one Cat 1 that slid over Key West early in the season.
This past week Mercedes issued forth a message unlike he ever has before. "We will have a little snow this winter, Mom," he told LeaAnn during a consult. "Not a heavy frost, snow!"
LeaAnn's reply echoed a foreboding tone, as a typical Floridian might, "So we're going to have a real cold winter, Mercedes?"
"No Mom, not a cold winter, just a burst."
Update Dec 2006
LeaAnn reported that while she was away at Equine Massage school the first week of December, the farm where Mercedes and his herd reside experienced snow flurries — something quite unusual for Florida.
19 October 2006 — Wren
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"A bigger one, Mom. A bigger earthquake." Along with this Wren shared that he felt this quake would be in the range of close to 7.0, and coming inside of 4-6 months.
Wren is a beloved Thoroughbred gelding who pastures across the road from the beautiful beaches of Oahu, Hawaii. He had not been concerned about the 6.5 quake that had hit the island the previous week, but this statement came with trepidation.
When asked about the quake HI had just experienced days before, Wren said, almost in passing, "The fish were flying."
Monika felt she understood what he was talking about. She believes the fish kept in the big water tanks for the horses (which help keep algae and other things from growing in them) were jumping when the quake hit. But Wren's worry about a bigger, future quake in the not too distant future kept her worried.
"I don't worry about an earthquake affecting the horses as much as I do a tsunami," she told me, "because the beach is so close to where they are. Maybe I will retire Wren back to the Mainland against his wishes," she sighed, but as our conversation continued, Monika decided to keep Wren with her in HI as he was more distressed about the thought of retiring to OH before she can go with him.
Wren, although bred to play polo but it doesn't seem he ever played. He did assist with exercising polo ponies and had a brief career as a pony club horse. He came to Monika when his former humans placed him in a good home when they had to move to Argentina.
A hot blooded Thoroughbred at times, his only job now is to be a companion to Monika, a pleasure and trail horse, and to be an uncle to their new foal.
"He will still occasionally go out for leisurely rides if Wren can understand the concept of leisurely!" Monika reports.
Wren is 18 years old and this is his first prediction. We all hope he is wrong.
28 March 2006 — Pepper
"Do you hear the piggies crying?" Pepper asked his mom, Pat, today.
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"No," she replied.
"I think they don't want to move," he said, indicating that the wild pigs of Hawaii are moving to different grounds.
"It's the rain," Pepper continued. "They don't want the ground to move." (He seems to feel the pigs are moving to higher ground, and one was seen on the property a few weeks ago — very unusual to see.)
With this Pepper showed me that if you went out to the barn at the back toward the pastures, to the far left is where he is thinking the land will slide.
"That's absolutely right," Pat said. We are butted up against the mountain, but to the left the land rolls downward a bit. If we have a mudslilde, that's where it would be.
Pat reported that today on the news Hawaii has broken a consecutive rain record, last set in 1951. They've had 38 straight days of rain and another week of it is in the forecast. I did not realize Hawaii could be prone to land or mudslides, but it is true, I am told. I just hope Pepper's concern for the piggies is unwarranted and that the land will stay intact, where it belongs.
Pepper, a 10-year-old gelding, lives on the main island, outside of Honolulu.
Update 1 April, 2006
Colleen, I don't have details yet, but we had our 41st heavy rain day and because we're saturated, it didn't take long to have substantial run-off damage. There was a landslide yesterday at about 1:00 p.m., a block away from us. About 5 years ago, during hurricane Iniki, this same nursery sustained a landslide with huge boulders rolling down from the Koolaus. At this point, I have no details, other than knowing first-hand of substantial water damage to a home below the nursery.
Will try to report back to you when I learn more.
Gosh, I'm so proud of pepper to have made this prediction, especially when we're not prone to landslides in our area, except 5 years ago. There have been many landslides, but in different areas always plagued by heavy rains and water.
Aloha, Pat
6 January 2006 — Gracie
"Hurricanes will go around us next year," Gracie told her two-legged mother on January 6, 2006.
A nice New Year's prediction from a little pinto potbellied pig. Gracie lives with her humans and herd in Ruskin, FL, just outside of Tampa. It has been a concern of weather experts that Tampa is overdue for a good sized hurricane. This is Gracie's first weather prediction. She is 7 years old.
Gracie's two-legger, Barb wrote to say, "She was right! In 2006 we didn't even have any close calls or many hurricanes at all for that matter.
What is her prediction for this year? We'll have to stay tuned... Gracie is contemplating this question, or grazing. I'm not sure which.