Animal Communication
Lost Animals
It is devastating to lose track of a pet. Whether they got out accidently, were chased by a predator and ran away in fear, were stolen, or mysteriously disappeared, the result is the same: feelings of grief, helplessness and fear for their safety. Not knowing is very hard to endure, making this a highly emotional time. Actively doing things to help find your lost friend is an activity that can give you back some sense of control. Postering, calling local shelters and vetrinary offices, and posting ads in the local papers and on the air are the first steps to take to find a missing pet. Animal communication can be another tool you can use.
I always explain what I can do for you in a situation like this (as I will below) AND that there are no guarantees of finding your lost friend—Animal Communication is s tool you can use to help you in your search. So please remember, like for a regular communication session, you have a choice as to if you'd like this service, and I will do my best to book an appointment for you as soon as possible that you can call back for.
I have many clients who ask for my help in situations like this, and I find it difficult to work with lost animals because it's very clear that animals do not look at the world as we do. They do not read street signs and if they go missing during a traumatic event, such as being chased, they do not always pay attention to what they have passed as they ran by. However, you can gain much info from a lost animal and here's how.
Are they still in their body?
My worried clients want to know first and foremost if their beloved is still alive. I look for things such as hunger, anger, fear, pain, etc. I consider these lesser emotions and physical sensations, something animals on the other side never express to me when I am communicating with them. With this said, I will also say that over the years working with ill, injured or traumatized animals, that they have a beautiful ability to pull out of their conscious body somewhat, in order to disassociate from pain and suffering. I wish I could be able to manage that. So if we communicate with a lost animal who is in pain and is pulling out like this at the time we speak, there is a chance they will not share any of the key pointers I look for to tell us if they still have their body. It happens rarely, but it has happened.
It is possible, though rare, that an animal has just crossed over and not realized it. I have an example of that in my book, Crossing the Rainbow Bridge: Animal Journeys to Heaven. Nike the cat found herself in such a situation, but during our communication, she became aware she was not with her body anymore and finished her journey to the other side. This seems to happen when an animal is instantly out of their body and did not see it coming.
I had another example with a woodchuck who ran in front of my car. With an oncoming car in the other lane, I had no place to go and couldn't avoid the chuck. I quickly pulled over to the side of the road after hitting him, gathered my wits and
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turned around to see if I could help the little guy. I saw, as I do when communicating with an animal, the little chuck 's body laying in the road, and his light/spirit body which was trying to drag his physical body off the road. I was astounded and grief-struck at the same time. I sent pictures of love, light an appreciation for his being to him, and after a few seconds, he suddenly bolted off in the direction he'd been heading to begin with. I sensed no pain or suffering with him, rather a feeling of confusion for those few seconds he tried to pull his body off the pavement.
How do they feel?
Finding out how they feel tells us if they are injured, where they hurt, are they sad or frightened, etc. Once we know how they feel, we know if we are dealing with sickness or injury, and whatever state they convey, we can then help encourage them not to give up.
Which way did they go?
I'm not sure how it works, but animals often share the direction they went in when they left. I usually get pictures such as, out the back of the house past the fence corner on the right and at a 2 o'clock direction. Many times a physical direction of NE or S comes with this info and I honestly don't know where it comes from. People often confirm this information if they saw their animal run off, or by sightings they may have had the fortune to be reported to them by others.
How far did they go?
Knowing how long it took them to get to where they are can give you a radius to work within. If they went in a vehicle, it means they are further out than if they'd gone on foot. Many times when they were in a vehicle, I've had animals describe going over bridges, through winding mountain roads, etc. All these things can help.
Why did they go?
It's sometimes hard to accept, but animals sometimes have life plans outside of their life with us. In the spring and fall, many animals will take off on a mission or an adventure. After a long winter in or before a long winter in begins, I find a number of missing animals are missing of their own accord. I recently had one such case with a cat named Uma.
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It was nice autumn weather when Tara looked at Uma on the front step. Thinking to herself she should bring her in before leaving, she looked at Uma and Uma returned a glance which seemed to say, "Don't even think it!" Then she took off. Tara called me a week after Uma had left, wondering if she were alright and how to find her. Uma gave pretty clear directions as to where she was, along with the fact she was fine and thought she new how to find her way home, but she didn't want to come home right then—she had things to do. I got a clear feeling thought that although Uma enjoyed being able to go out, she was not the kind to want to rough it.
After a week, some sighting calls and bad weather, Tara called again to speak with Uma. The adventurous cat still seemed fine so we explained to her that her people missed her horribly, as did her companion cat Abbey. We asked that she please come home just so she could be seen and that no one would try to grab her and bring her in. Uma agreed. The next day she was seen sitting on the front step, but ran when she was seen. All in all, I believe Uma was out 3 weeks. Being a hunter she was eating, along with finding some neighbors who routinely left food out for stray cats, but just as Tara was giving up hope that Uma would ever come home, she found her sitting by deck door. Opening the door, Uma just walked in. Apparently her adventure was over.
We need to remember that animals are not always lost when the are missing.
What do they see?
Looking for landmarks helps make up for them not being able to read, but we need to remember that animals are low to the ground, don't always look up, or as in the case of a bird, look down at the world from a viewpoint we rarely see. When interpreting the pictures an animal sends, we need to keep these things in mind. A house may give the appearance of a tall or short building. A tower may look like a line into the sky. We can ask for colours, items around them and if the area looks remote or urban. What do they smell? Does the air smell like it does at home? There are limitless ways to ask questions.
Are they with people?
If they are with people, what do they look like? How many are there? How did they get there? If in a car, what colour? What did it look like going to the place they are now? Are there other houses nearby? Do they hear or see children? School buses? More traffic than they had at home? Do the people stay there all day or go away and come back? What is the room like they are in? Are there other animals here? Is there fencing, such as in a shelter or a back yard?
Are they outdoors or inside?
If they are indoors, often animals can tell us what their surroundings look like, but may not know what the house looks like from the outside. But if they are outdoors, they can often tell us what the area is like, such as if they are under a bush near a building, an outbuilding, in a barn, do they see or smell other animals? Are they under a structure, or what is the ground like underneath them. What do they smell? Is it earth, water, chlorine from a swimming pool, manure, etc?
Are they with anyone?
Did they leave with another animal or meet up with one on their journey? What kind of animal, what does it look like, where does it live?
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Do they want to come back?
Sometimes, just sometimes an animal leaves because it just has a need to move on. It often has nothing to do with us, such as having brought a new animal home which made them angry, or there is a new person in the house that they do not like? Sometimes they just feel they have a new job to go to. Sometimes they have gone off to die, to save us from that end time they feel may either upset us or they want a private exit from this existence. Finding out if they want to come back can help you better communicate to them that you love them and hope to see them again and that you'll do anything to help them get home.
Again, I want to say that there are no guarantees I can help you bring your lost friend home, but if you wish to book a session, I will gather all of the info that I can from your pet to help you in your search.
Finding Duke
Lisa, one of my horse clients, had called to ask if there were any way I could help find Duke, a little rascal of a Jack Russell dog who bolted on her mom while she was pet sitting him at her house."Right under the fence he went," Lisa's mom exclaimed when she called her for help.
A lost dog from home is one thing, but a lost dog who is visiting someone else's home is another. Duke had no idea of the neighborhood at all, but we set out to see what he could show us. Lisa wrote this to me after our consult that day.
"I called Rod's mother to tell her about our conversation. I told her about the red brick, stucco and stone faced buildings and also about there being a lot of other dogs and chain link fencing, and that he still felt close by her home. Then I went on to tell her that we knew he was ok because of him feeling well fed and that he felt tired with sore feet. This information, of course, made her feel better and gave her hope to continue looking.
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"Ironically that afternoon she received a call from a gentleman regarding Duke. She followed up on that lead and went over to his neighborhood which is only a few blocks away. When she pulled into the neighborhood she took note of the red brick, stucco and stone faced homes that were in this particular neighborhood. She also noted that there were many homes with dogs and chain link fences. She told me thanks to your info, she felt confident that she might find Duke here.
"While driving around in this neighborhood, she noticed a woman and her son in their driveway so she stopped to speak with them and hand them a flyer. Fortunately, they happened to just see Duke minutes before she spoke to them and they had tried to catch him without success. So the woman and her son helped my mother-in-law track him down. My mother-in-law brought Duke's playmate in hopes of luring him to her, and it worked. When Duke noticed his playmate Dolly, he ran over to her and started playing.This allowed her to put the leash on him.
"A few other things I want to mention is when Duke was found, he was in great condition. Everyone in that neighborhood has dogs and was trying to catch him by throwing him food. He would run up, take the food and then take off again. His little paws were sore and red and he was tired.
"I just want to thank you for giving us this info... it helped in so many ways. Most importantly it gave my mother-in-law hope. Just having an idea that a pet is possibly still alive makes you not only feel better, but it give a person hope to keep looking. The info about the buildings and the dogs really helped because she had something to go on, especially because there happens to be a neighborhood of red brick homes a few blocks away from her. We both want to thank you again." January 5, 2008.
So working with lost animals is far more varied than one might first expect, and unfortunately there are no guarantees, but taking the time to find out why they are missing can go a long way toward understanding the situation better. Hopefully a reunion will be achieved. Don't give up.