Animal Wellness Consultants Presents
Animal Communicaton Level I & II Certifying Seminar and Workshops for 2010
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Reknowned Animal Communicator Colleen Nicholson will be teaching three separate, intensive, hands-on, 12 hour, Level I & II Animal Communication Certifying Seminar Workshops this year. Come and delve into the world of animal communication and learn how you too can communicate with the animals around you.
Seminar Location | Date |
Jacksonville, FL | 4/ 30 - 5/2 DONE |
Buck's County, PA | 5/14 - 5/16 DONE |
Cape Cod, MA | POSTPONED TO 5/2011 |
Colleen, along with her husband, Wayne Nicholson, CHt, will teach you to re-awaken your own innate ability to communicate with the animal world around you, while learning techniques to enhance your abilities and improve your skills. This intensive seminar workshop will provide you with instruction, discussion and multiple individual and group activities as you learn the basics of animal communication, how it will best come through for you, along experience working with animals at a distance and face-to-face.
Level I/Part I : Friday evening, beginning at 5:30pm. Sign in, be welcomed, get situated, get acquainted with other students and receive class handouts. Wayne is a Board Certified Hypnotist and will open the seminar with a brief group session to loosen you up and tap into your innate communication skills. Class begins at 6 and meets until 9pm.
Starting with a brief introduction about animal communication, Colleen will share with you what it is, how it works for her and what you can use it for. You will be guided through a series of exercises to enhance your abilities: grounding and guided visualization. These are designed to open your awareness to your own telepathic abilities and we will differentiate the different ways people perceive and which one seems to be your dominate. We'll discuss Universal Language: what it is and how to best question animals; what kinds of answers you might expect and how different species look at the world a little differently from each other, and you will learn how to recognize a communication. We'll also discuss how important confirmation is for confidence building, especially for the student starting out.
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You will practice sending and receiving thought forms, which can vary with species. You will also try your new skills out by communicating with animals via their pictures that Colleen will provide. Feedback from these distance animals will be provided via Colleen, who knows them well, along with their humans who will respond to what you receive in a newsletter devoted specifically to this seminar which will arrive 3-4 weeks after the event.
Level I/Part II : Saturday morning, beginning at 8:30 am. Get comfortable and receive class handout. Class begins at 9am and meets until noon.
In this session you will swap personal photos of your living animal companions with other students to work with. You may work with more than one person. Group discussion will follow toshare experiences and we'll discuss what to do to dispel doubts within yourself and how different lines of questioning can often help unclear information received make more sense. We'll share ideas as to how we can better our techniques and questions. There will be one last long-distance exercise and then you will have a few animals to work with face-to-face.
We will gather once more to discuss what experiences and messages everyone received, wrapping it up with any questions and closing statements. Wayne will lead the group in a MetaWalk™ that will heighten and solidify your skills learned. A Certificate of Completion of Animal Communicaton Level I will be earned at session's end and will follow in the mail with the seminar newsletter 3-4 weeks later.
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Level II/Part I : Saturday afternoon 1:45 pm. Sign in, be welcomed, get situated and receive class handouts. Class begins at 2pm and meets until 5pm.
Working with sick or injured animals is it's own specialty and requires patience and the ability to think of the right questions to ask them. We will begin with a discussion of how to keep youself balanced and the important difference between sympathy and empathy. This workshop will teach you how to deepen and intensify your abilities to communicate, and you will learn what to ask, what to expect and how to recognize this kind of information/communication. We will do one exercise aimed at our entrance into these sublte worlds and Wayne will guide you to a state of awareness that prompts medical intuition.
You will also learn how to encourage ill animals. You will learn how information gained can be relayed to healthcare professionals to provide them with a more complete picture of what is wrong, where it hurts, what it feels like and what the animal thinks caused it. You will also gain their outlook on their own prognosis.
We will communicate via distance with compromised animals only and the seminar staff can never know in advance how many you will have to work with as we all strive to have happy, healthy animals. If you have a sick or injured animal in your life, please bring their picture to this class for students to work with and Colleen will provide others as well. We will have a group discussion after on your results.
We'll close the day with a group discussion on what was received and how it best came through, keeping in mind how our own dominate way of perceiving helped or hindered with ways around the latter.
Level II/Part II : Sunday morning 9:30 am. Sign in, get comfortable and receive class handouts. Class begins at 10am and meets until 1pm. Each seminar location will differ as to Sunday morning's events. In Jacksonville, students will be gathering at The Oaks Ranch, about 10 minutes from where classroom sessions were held. In both Bucks's County and Cape Cod, students will meet at the classroom location, but will go out to meet and work with animals face-to-face on the grounds or within walking distance. More details will be provided closer to the seminar dates. You may call the office at Animal Wellness if you have any questions. Office hours are 11-5pm ET, weekdays. The phone number is 315-652-4964.
We will begin with a grounding exercise and discuss and address any questions you may have from the day before.
We will communicate via distance with compromised animals only and the seminar staff can never know in advance how many you will have to work with as we all strive to have happy, healthy animals. If you have a sick or injured animal in your life, please bring their picture to this class for students to work with and Colleen will provide others as well, along with working with animals face-to-face. Colleen, Wayne and staff will be available to help, encourage and work with you as a group and individually not only in class, but in the field as well.
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We will have a group discussion afterwards on your results from the morning, discuss how to continue on with success after you go home. We will wrap up the seminar with closing statements.
A Certificate of Completion of Animal Communicaton Level II will be earned at session's end and will follow in the mail with the seminar newsletter 3-4 weeks later. For those taking both Level I & II , a combined certificate will be issued. All Certificates will be mailed about 3-4 weeks after the seminar along with the Animal Whispers Newsletter devoted solely to this seminar and the animals you will work with during it via distance communication.
If you are interested in a private hypnosis session from Wayne, before or after the seminar at a special seminar rate, you can either e-mail him or call the office for more info. Sessions are limited and must be pre-arranged.
Tuition Overview
- Level I — Pre-Registration, $175
- Level II — Pre-Registration $175
- Level I & II Combined — Pre-Registration $325
- To re-take a level — $75
- Specific Pre-Registration Dates are shown on Order Page for each location.
A non-refundable $25 fee will be charged per level for cancellations after dates set for each location (see Order Page), or for no-shows.
Supplies needed: Paper and pen, class hand outs will be given; a few photos of animals you love who are still here. Please tell your animals at home where you are going and what you are going to be doing. For those creatures you bring pictures of, tell them someone will be communicating with them later that day and you hope they will answer. Please be sure to dress for the weather for the Sunday events.
Payment: We accept the following:
Call 315-652-4964 or Email Colleen to register.