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Potbelly Pig Place

Do you really want to own a potbelly pig?

The pig depicted in the movie "Babe — Pig in the City," is not an accurate depiction of pet pigs. It is true that pigs are cute and intelligent, but living with one is not what you may expect. "Babe" is also a piglet ...
All Pigs Grow Up!!
Ali and Harry

Did you know...? | Potbelly Pigs require regular veterinary care... | Pigs Root! | Pigs are Very Smart | Potbelly Pigs are not good to eat | Pigs are intelligent, loyal, loving

Did you knowPotbelly Pigs usually weigh in at 100-150 pounds. Sometimes more!

Unreputable breeders — in the Syracuse, NY (Onondaga County Area) claim to have "Swedish Mini-Pigs and Micro-Mini Pigs." This is NOT TRUE. There is No Such Breed as either of these. 98% of potbellied pigs found at these ridiculous weights are either not full grown or have been starved to keep them small.

Click on image to enlarge.
Harley Hogg Kinann

Potbelly Pigs require regular veterinary care ...

Without it, they may contract diseases or parasites that can be spread to humans.

Finding a pig vet may not be an easy task! Find a vet who can care for your pig before you get one!

  • Regular hoof and TUSK trims are necessary, as well. Here, my good friend Clover shows you how a pig's tusks grow. They need yearly attention.
  • Spaying and neutering of pet pigs is necessary. Unspayed females cycle every 21 days. They can be cranky, and/or destructive, in and around this 3-day cycle. Unneutered boars have a very strong odor in their urine and saliva, and their amorous behavior can be quite unbelievable and scary.
  • Expect to spend a few hundred dollars per year for veterinary services.
Click on image to enlarge.
Clover's tusks


It's a natural act for them and they don't just save it for the lawn!

Attention is the key. Pigs require more attention than dogs or cats do, so expect to spend a LOT of time with your pig.

Bored pigs have been known to root up linoleum floors, through wallboard and underneath carpeting, too.

Exercise is vital to mental and physical well-being. Pigs need to have time outdoors EVERY DAY to do piggy things. Do not expect your pig to be happy with you indoors all the time.

Click on image to enlarge.
Hammy Rooting

Pigs are VERY SMART.

The 4th smartest animal on the planet, pigs are just below humans, primates, whales, and dolphins! This scale was based on lateral thinking abilities and the ability to problem-solve.

Think like a pig! Humans often find it difficult to stay smarter than their pig. You can NOT train a pig like a dog or cat — you must learn to think like a pig... like a "herd" animal, which most humans find hard to do. But if you don't, you can expect an unruly pig which may bite, destroy your house or yard, charge you or others in your home and be generally aggressive!

Click on image to enlarge.

Potbelly Pigs are NOT GOOD TO EAT!

Unreputable breeders —; in the Syracuse, NY (Onondaga County Area) — claim to have "Swedish Mini-Pigs and Micro-Mini Pigs." This is NOT TRUE. There is No Such Breed as either of these. 98% of potbellied pigs found at these ridiculous weights are either not full grown or have been starved to keep them small.

Click on image to enlarge.
Happy 1st Birthday Penny PigMeadows

Pigs are intelligent, loyal, loving...

With the right caregiver, they can give you years of wonderful companionship.

They can cry real tears when they are hurt or grieving, and like their distant cousins, the elephant, they do not forget things, events, or people. Pet pigs can grieve themselves into death.
Click on image to enlarge.
Pig Game
Christmas Harry
Pet pigs are for lovin'
— not the oven!

To acquire a pet pig, take it into your home and love it, only to toss it aside or abandon it when things don't work out, is a cruel and inhumane act. Too many pigs are living in shelters because their people were not committed to them. If you still really want a pet pig, consider adopting a pig from a shelter.

A pet pig is not just for Christmas...
...it's for a lifetime!

Sponsor a pig-in-need. If you still like the idea of having a pet pig, but realize now that one is not right for your home or lifestyle, you can still have one in your life by sponsoring a pig-in-need! Check out Potbelly Pig Place for shelters and sanctuaries who have pigs in need of sponsoring.

Your monthly donation will go toward Mini-Pig food and the veterinary care of abandoned and abused potbelly pigs in your area.


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