About Animal Communication
I've been thinkg that perhaps the best way to better understand what animal communication can do for you and your animals is to see what others have to say. So here you go!
About Animal Communication
Denise P, Colonia NJ
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"Colleen, I wanted to take a minute to thank you for my reading last evening... Your work is amazing and truly appreciated. I did take your advice and wrote up a contract letting Kip know he was never leaving. It was amazing. It seemed to switch on a light bulb with him and he spent several hours playing and interacting with me after our call—something he's never done before.
Again, thank you for your work! "
October 2010
D Coleman, Kirkville NY
"Hi Colleen,
A few weeks ago, my cat Kyle, who had stopped eating, (along with Karson & Kory) and you had an emergency conversation over the phone. It helped so much that Kyle could tell us how he felt, and we could explain to him what was going to happen at the Vets, etc. Right after our conversation, he ate! He did stop again, and to make a long story short, he's eating like a horse now and feeling great!
I just love talking to them through you!!! Thanks a lot."
October 2010
Ruma S, Brunswick GA
"Oh My Goodness Colleen,
You have no idea how happy I am. I will definitely recommend you to anyone who wants to know about attracting their lost animal back to them. I wish I had a website that I could promote your services but in lieu of that, I want to let anyone know (please feel free to use my words on your site), how happy I feel right now that my Quitten is back home with me... and in only one month. [Ruma first called when Quitten had already been missing for 2 weeks.]
You may have had many people tell you how happy they are that their animal has returned back home, safe and sound, so I too want to add my voice to those people... THANK YOU so incredibly much Colleen. It seems that her sojourn outside has made her more aggressive and not as scared, though she lost weight. Even though I love those things, I would not want to go through that experience again. I am happy to have my Quit-Quit back home. She is sitting, shivering, in my lap (I gave her a bath) and also grouching at my dogs. All is well !!!"
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NOTE: When I first spoke with Ruma about her missing girl, I gave her a few visualization techniques to use to help Quitten find her way back home. This seemed important as they had only just moved to this new home a few weeks before. Being an inside cat, Quitten had no idea what her house looked like from the outside. Ruma took the visualization work seriously, using it again a short time after Quitten returned home when her box turtle, Sheila (the one on the left), escaped 3 days before writing to me.
"My fault as I was letting her sun and went inside to get the phone and she was then gone when I came back out. She is about the size of a person's palm. The other two were rescues who are now gone back to the wild but Sheila has been in my care for about 6 years ever since someone rescued her from an old folks home. I am worried about her as she has never fed herself except what was fed to her."
Ruma wrote a few days later to say that she did all the visualizing for Sheila like she did for Quitten and as she walked the back fence line that day, she felt she should look down and to the side... and there was Sheila. So Ruma was not only sending pictures to Sheila (and Quitten) with this technique, it also opened her up to receiving information from Sheila as well. Sheila is fully recovered from her week outdoors.
October 2010
Patty M, Harwood TX
Patty called with concerns about her beautiful, nearly 3 year old, Honey regarding a frustrating show behavior.
"After months of classes where she'd let the trainer touch her and everyone in class touch her we went to a match... she would not let the judge touch her... I contacted Colleen and told her my problems and wanted to ask Honey what was wrong. We talked to Honey and found out that she didn't like anyone touching her. Colleen told her if she'd just stand still for the judges to touch her a few more times, she wouldn't have to do it anymore."
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The next night at class, Honey stood very nicely, Patty reported in an excited email dated 29 October, 2008.
"I just wanted to let you know that after our talk Honey stood like a rock. The trainer asked if this was the same dog? I said yes, and she asked, "WHAT DID YOU DO?" I told her I talked to an animal communicator. She said, "Yeah, sure." "
"I replied, REALLY! "
"Well, whatever you did, it worked!" 11/2008
Judy S, Nutley NJ
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"We had a conversation about Noelle yesterday at our 11:30 a.m. apptointment. Thank you so much for your compassionale help. Noelle crossed over at about 4 p.m. yesterday at the vet's. She was 17. We buried her right after in our backyard in the spot that she had been walking to in the left hand corner of the yard. We were all with her when she crossed, and we had a little graveside ceremony for her. We're all very sad because we loved her so much… My husband is especially sad. He hasn't been able to listen to the entire recording you sent to us. It really helped the children when they listened to it. I just wanted to give you a little feedback on what you told us.
Olivia told me that she did in fact play with Noelle in her room and that the two of them were all alone. She had conversations with Noelle and used to put hats on her. I really hadn't known this. When Olivia was small, I worked full-time and my husband was her care-taker until he started working at 3 p.m.
I think the dark cat you saw was my beloved cat Linus, who was mostly black with a white bib and four white feet. He crossed over right after my mother did in 1985. I was thinking about why (you would see) my mom standing with the white regal dog. My mom was a single parent and I was her only child. We always lived in places that did not allow animals, but my mother really liked them… even the dog I rescued from kids being mean to it, and carried up the stairs to our apartment. I named it Prince and we had him about 2 weeks before we had to surrender him or lose the apartment.
As an adult I had cats and dogs and when my mother visited she always loved them. So it occured to me that my mother really wanted pets and now she has the white dog that I rescued and had to surrender (all those years ago), and that she must also love Noelle. I like that mental picture of my mother with the white dog, and Noelle romping around with him. Now I know she and my mother are not alone. Thank you, Colleen.
We're still looking around for signs of Noelle. We're in the process of creating a garden where she is buried. We visit her there although we know she is really not there.
Sorry this note got so long. I've been seeing Noelle (in my mind) running around like a young dog. I want her to be happy.
Thank you so much."
Stolen Puppy
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This pup was stolen from my client's Inn a few hours away from where I live.
Amazingly enough, the pup showed me what it looked like where he was when she called, and it was the neighborhood behind the high school my daughters went to!
I found out later there had a been a couple at their Inn from my area over the weekend, fawning all over the puppies but this guy wasn't for sale. Seems they helped themselves, but the pup found his way back to his rightful home anyway.
K Smith, Grass Lake MI
"Thank you Colleen,
My experience in talking to you yesterday about my animals was most enlightening. After you told me my Shih Tzu Rosy liked the color purple........the quickest thing I could get her was a pair of purple fuzzy socks. You should have seen how she grabbed one out of my hand today and has had it with her ever since. She is now laying down with it and has one paw resting on it so that no one can take it away.
Clemmie latched on to the other one, but not because she really wanted it, but had to have it before anyone else got it. As soon as I can get a purple bed or pillow for Rosy, she will be in heaven!!!
Thanks for everything, "
April L, Babylon NY
Thanks so much for a great reading, and as always getting each character's personality right on the nose! You actually told me more than I bargained for, and I appreciate your candor and compassion. Sorry to throw you so many dogs names without warning, but it all fit together fine, and was most helpful. Thanks again and enjoy the rest of your summer."
Dorothy M
"Hi Colleen,
I'm still digesting all the information. Wow! the 40 minutes went by so quickly, but you covered so much.
Every time I look at Mac, I just have to smile when I think about him saying, "I love you, Mom" and "I'm your best boy." It's so funny because that is really the kind of look he gives me. He always wants to be the center of attention. You can just see him saying to the others, "She loves ME best!" How he came across in our conversation is really so HIM, except the shy part because he's long since gotten over that around here. He is a little shy around strangers though, but only for the first few minutes. My boyfriend, Mike, is just dying to pop him some popcorn too — remember Mac said he likes popcorn?
You pegged Red correctly too. Just a sweet, kind, lovable guy. He practically melts when he's talked to and petted/hugged. He never seems to want much else.
You also got Babe right. You pointed out how honesty was so important to her, and I've sensed that from the beginning. She really needs to know where she stands and needs to be comfortable with her people to work well. She tells it like it is. I still think it's funny though, that her first question was about whether she was going to have babies. And, she even had a preferred color for the father! She knows what she wants, for sure.
Heather is Heather. She just takes things as they come, which came out in your messages from her. I did remember to pick up some hot dogs for her. That had me confused for a bit until I remembered I used to give a lot of them to her when we did obedience work years ago. She lived for her hot dog pieces back then.
You could not have been more correct about Nikki's personality and intensity. She IS a know-it-all, has to know everything that's going on. We always joke that she needs to give her "paw stamp" of approval before anything can be done in her house! Heather said that she spoils fun. So true! Mike calls her "wet blanket" and "stick in the mud" because she constantly breaks up any attempts we make to play with Heather. She rules her household with an iron paw! The Terrier thing was interesting...since she is a Collie. But, she really IS different from a lot of Collies. Collies tend to be more like Heather. Nikki is very intense and demanding. She has also been interested in something under the back porch recently, so I wonder if I have a wild critter living under there that she is trying to flush out, which might have given her the Terrier feel to her when you were talking with her.
Thank you so much for talking with me and my animals. I'm thinking about scheduling a 20-minute follow-up session in a month or so, just to check in and see if they have anything else to say. I have to admit that I was a bit skeptical at first and didn't know what to think while it was going on — kind of shocked at a lot of what you said because so much was right on — but I'm a believer now! Thanks!"
Erin, NYC NY
"Dear Colleen,
Thank you so much for our session two weeks ago with Lomi and Alba. I changed their litter to Cat Attract and Lomi is going in the Box!!! And for the first time in his life he is atually covering with the litter!!! Alba is also using the box again, too.
I am so appreciative, and I know they are too.
Gratefully, Erin"
Jessica W, College Student, Oswego NY
"Hi Colleen,
This is Jessica and you helped me talk with my 4 cats and 2 dogs (Buffy, Rafters, Cecilia, Hope, Gizmo, and Buck). I enjoyed it so much that I would like to make an appointment with you on my own to talk to Rafters, Cecilia, Hope, and a cat at KittyCorner: Wembley. How would I go about setting up payment?
Thank you so much. You have touched me and my “kids” lives."
Kristin R, N. Syracuse NY
"Dear Colleen,

I just wanted to let you know how much you have touched mine and my family's life by your gift. What you have given us is priceless and we are lucky to know you. You are a true blessing to us and our dogs.
All of your communications with our dogs have provided us with so much peace and understanding. You have told us things that were so on the money that we know that everything you told us was so true. I personally found a lot of peace knowing what my dogs were thinking that I could never repay you for that.
Now that Chelsea is gone, I just wanted to thank you so much for all that you have given me at the end of her life to help me to help her pass on. I look forward to talking to you again soon, and I really look forward to communicating with Chelsea from Heaven and Louie here with us.
Words cannot even begin to express how much I am grateful and indebted to you for just being you. I also thank my vet for referring you to me and giving me such a gift.
I have enclosed a picture of Chelsea by herself and one with her and Louie. We miss her terribly and can't wait to talk to her soon. I also ordered your book and cannot wait for it to arrive!
Have a great holiday and I'll talk with you soon.
P.S. In the first picture, Chelsea is on the left and Louie is on the right. In the second picture, that is Chelsea's last day on earth right after I talked to you."
Cindy C and Larry M, Honolulu Hawaii
"Aloha Colleen,
Thank you for communicating with Orion. After spending the weekend with him (camping in his paddock with him) we decided it was best if we helped him to move on. The pain was too much for gut and body. We buried his body in an honored place where he can see the tree in our pasture that he used to sleep under and where we groomed him.
It was your conversation with Orion and the sharing of the information with me that made his departure easier for us. I know that Orion was concerned with my acceptance of his departure, and that he did not want to go before I was ready.
After we talked and I read your book, I came to understand what Orion needed. Thank you for your gift of sharing these insights with others.
Bless your angels for the gift that you share and many thanks for giving us back our "old Orion"!!
D Tripoli, USA
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"Thanks to Colleen's communication with Coco in her last year of life, and after, I was able to provide Coco with whatever she needed to leave, physically and spiritually. Coco was able to tell me through
Colleen, how I would know
it was time for her to cross. When the time came, it happened just as it
was communicated to me a year before: When I came home from work and opened
the door, Coco was waiting for me, just as she said she would, not as she
ever had before. At that instant I knew what it meant. I picked up my Coco,
she quickly snuggled up by my neck, with her nose under my hair, and made
her little lip smacking noise. Then she gave me 3 little, usually very hard
to get, skunkie kisses, on my neck. We snuggled and dozed on and off for
a few hours. I finally told her it was okay to go. She just quietly stopped
breathing. Thank you, Colleen, for helping Coco and I achieve peace with
her death."
April 2004
E Windsor, NJ

"Dear Colleen,
I can't thank you enough for all you have done for my family — Ping is doing well now and so am I. I am enclosing a picture of the "Little Guy" so you can see why we have all fallen under his spell. thanks again."
Susan T
March 2004
Jane S, Central NY
I've meant to write and thank you since shortly after our phone consult early in the year. My cat Teega had stopped using the litter box and after moving the box and having both him and his sister worked up and treated for UTIs, it persisted for weeks. My Reiki practitioner referred me to you.
When you said that Teega wanted his box moved because he 'doesn't like to be watched' I was perplexed. The box was at the end of our mud room near a seldom used door connecting to our rental unit. But I did move it and within 10 MINUTES he was using it! What a relief after so many instances of him "holding it" until he had 2-3 days worth he just couldn't hold any longer. I later told the story to our friend who rents the apartment, and he said that one of his cats peeks through the crack under the door whenever she hears a noise on our side. So, obviously he WAS being watched!
took both of our cats to the vet for checkups Tuesday and Dr. Freeborough
asked if they've
shown further evidence of bladder problems. She was pleased to hear
that you'd been able to help us understand what was going on and resolve
the issue. She also asked for your name, and I've just sent her the
link to your website.
Thank you so much for your help. Your gift is precious and valuable,
and I appreciate that you are willing to use it to help our animal
friends tell us what we can't always figure out ourselves."
July 2003
Michael M, Syracuse NY
"Hi Colleen,
Thanks for communicating with our boys! I will admit I had my doubts
but there was NO WAY you could have known that Dino was my king
and didn't like grass!!! I am truly a believer now! Funny thing
is, ever since you and Dino had your little "chat" he
has not gone to the potty in the house at all!! Impossible, I say
to myself, but very true! We are planning a pet party with more
of our friends, and of course you will have to be there!!
Thanks again."
November 2003