Consulting Services
Resume: Colleen Nicholson
- Author, "Crossing
the Rainbow Bridge: Animal Journeys to Heaven"
- Author, Coming Title: "Pigs
of Great Fortune: Feed them for Health, Love them for Life!"
Book One in a Series Due—Summer 2017
- Homeopathic Informational
Resources, Ltd.
1987-1997 President and Co-Founder until its veterinary transformation into Animal Wellness Consultants - Homeopathic Lay Practitioner since 1987
- Animal Communicator (for public) since 1991
- Animal Wellness Consultants Co-Founder 1995
- Columnist, National Association of Potbelly Pigs in America Newsletter (monthly NAPPA NEWS) since 1995
- Reiki Practitioner 1992, Reiki Master since 1996
- Web Design (and computer geek wannabe) since 1999
- Reconnective Healing Practitioner, Level I & II, Certified June 2003 An energetic healing system for the new mellennium.
- Quantum Touch Practitioner, Certified 2008
Life-threatening situations:Colleen is NOT a veterinarian and advocates that you seek PROFESSIONAL VETERINARY MEDICAL CARE for your animals in any serious or life-threatening situation!
However, by all means, use what you learn through Animal Wellness while waiting for or transporting to emergency veterinary care.
Colleen speaks publicly on holistic health care for animals. She also taught Life-Long Learning classes for Community Colleges and civic groups.
She attended numerous holistic veterinary seminars given by respected educating holistic and homeopathic veterinarians.
Their intensive human course study has been with the homeopathic certificate program, lead by Dr. Robin Murphy, ND, in the Hahneman Academy of North America. She took an 8 week specialized course with Dr. Murphy in early 2016 on Homeopathy & Neuro-Muscular Diseases.
Her intensive veterinary course study has been with the Professional Veterinary Course, currently offered by Dr. Richard Pitcairn, DVM, at the Eugene Animal Clinic, and is accredited with the American Holistic Veterinary Association for continued education. Her Large-Animal veterinary course study was with Dr. C. Edgar Sheaffer, DVM, from Mechanicsburg, PA and was in association with Dr. Pitcairn's course.