Animal Communication
Weather Predictions 2005: Can animals predict the weather? Consider this!
Animal Weather Predictions
8 December 2005 — Whisper

"Winter is not too bad so far – I'm afraid of what's coming, but it won't last very long this year.Whisper is an American Warmblood who was
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born and raised at the farm she lives on with her mother and herd in Aylett, VA. She is two years old.
I don't have to go back and look up what Whisper said, I LIVED it all winter! She said, "I shudder to think about this winter; but it won't last very long." When she said that, I think we were already heading into our cold spell (December), and it was bitter for quite some time. Not much in the way of snow, though. For the most part, Jan and Feb were fairly mild; March was mostly just too windy! but not very cold. I would say that Whisper was very accurate in her prediction! Interestingly, I kept hearing the humans in this area predicting at least two huge winter storms for January. Well, I didn't see them in MY corner of the world!
13 October 2005 — Lollypop
"Winter is not coming soon and will not be really cold, like last year."
Lollypop is a Vietnamese potbelly pig who was rescued in Florida but
resides in Oneida, New York.
Her prediction was given on October 13th, 2005. Her 'pigture' was taken
on November 4th of the same year, and her pal Babe is smiling behind
her. I REALLY hope Lollypop's prediction is right on as I live only 45
minutes away from her and the past two winters have been brutal.
Lollypop is 15 years old.
Responding on behalf of Lollypop regarding her prediction last fall, so as not to be influenced by my personal relationship with her (and wanting her to be right), I sought out the advice of Carol, pig slave to a herd of 80+ rescued pigs, who also lives about 45 minutes away from Lollypop.
So although we have not heard from Lolly's two-legged mom, there are two It's a Hit responses to Lollypop's winter prediction. Winter did not come as early as it had the year before, and we received most of our snow in mid December. And despite the doubling of fuel oil prices this winter, I personally did not see us using as much fuel oil as the winter before. Colleen
30 September 2005 — Pippen
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"Winter will come early and hard." This report is from Pippen, a domestic/feral stray who now enjoys the life of an indoor/outdoor cat in the cranberry bog country of Marsten Mills, MA - Cape Cod. On September 30, 2005 he gave us this prediction for the upcoming winter.
Pippen is believed to be 6-7 years old.
Deb, Pippen's human, reported in a recent consult that she felt Pippen was definitely a HIT for how winter came early and hard. "We got snow earlier than I remember in a long time. October and November were the coldest months too, which was very unusual, but once we got past December, it was more mild and easier than usual," she said.
23 August, 2005 — Lady

Lady, a 10 year old Arabian horse in Fulton, NY is a weather sensitive girl as well. Although new to weather predicting, Lady reported on 23 August, 2005 that winter would be cold but not as snowy as last year.
Update April 2006
" Hey Colleen, I think Lady Jane did a great job her 1st year predicting. We did have cold temps and gosh LOTS of wind, but not much snow this year." Marci
23 August 2005 — Bailey
Bailey, an 8 year old Poodle, also in Fulton, NY when asked her thoughts on the upcoming winter reported, "I don't go out in it so what do I care?"
July 2005 — Mercedes

Mercedes, a 13 year old thoroughbred in Jacksonville, FL predicted in early July 2005 a severe hurricane to hit FL during the 2nd to 3rd week of August. He predicted that it would come in from the Gulf Coast, that it would be BAD and he wanted to leave, despite him living in a new concrete barn built to all current hurricane building codes. It would be bad enough that when they left, the cats needed to go with them, but not in the back of their new horse trailer with him and his herdmate Chance. Hurricane Katrina popped up out of nowhere off the Bahamas the third week of August. After raking the tip of FL, she headed into the Gulf and early on was predicted by the National Hurricane Center to either travel up the coast of FL or to make a C shape in the Gulf, swinging back in and tracking across FL, with a hit upon Jacksonville. A very sensitive horse, Mercedes is a great weather predictor and has been uncanny in predicting Florida's hurricanes. About 3 days in advance of a "big wind" (his term for hurricanes) Mercedes will NOT go out into the pasture unless he's accompanied by a human who stays there with him. If left out there, he will panic. Interestingly enough, on August 26th, as Hurricane Katrina was well out into the Gulf, setting her sights on New Orleans, LA and Biloxi, MS, Mercedes was put out in the pasture to graze. No sooner had he been left, he freaked out and snapped a deep flexor tendon in his right rear leg. He was brought in immediately and was quickly followed by one of Katrina's leading rain bands which sent downpours through that area. As Hurricane Katrina is just now making landfall on New Orleans, Merecedes is recovering from his injury but will NOT go out to pasture himself, even though it is bright and sunny in Jacksonville.
Update November 1, 2005
"It's OVER!" Mercedes lead off the consultation with this prediction, coming right on the heels of Hurricane Wilma, the largest hurricane ever this late in the year in the Atlantic Basin. Even though Alpha and Beta followed, Mercedes was not concerned about any of these three. He is still recouperating from his injury acquired the morning Katrina came ashore in the Gulf, but is relaxed and looking forward to calm winds and fair seas.
LeaAnn asked him if he knew the hurricanes were coming because he could feel the vibration of them which lead Mercedes to ponder that for a minute. Thoughtfully he finally said, "No. If I spit in the wind it will come back to me," he replied while showing me that the droplets of spit would be picked up by the trade winds, encircle the globe, then come back to smack him in the face. Although sounding humourous, it did make sense to LeaAnn and I. Mercedes is aware of what is on the wind. Obviously he is very intune with the environment.
23 May 2005 — Boo
"Do not go west mom, we HAVE to go northeast!"
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This was Boo's response when he asked his mom to explain the hurricane evacuation plans that she should have ready for this year. She responded that they all would get in the car an head west. Boo didn't think that was a good idea. Three times he came back to this during Shelly's communication and he even asked if they all (5 dogs in their home) could get hurricane collars.
"What does a hurricane collar look like, Boo?" I asked, and he quickly showed me bright (hunting) orange with name tags riveted to the collar.
"We'll get those for you Boo," Shelly assured him.
Several more times throughout the session, Boo mentioned that the should not go west, only north east should the hurricanes come. It seems he feels they will come in from the Gulf Coast this year.
So this is Boo's first weather prediction, of sorts. We will all have to wait and see what happens during the coming hurricane season.
Boo is a 5 year old Chow/Black Lab mix dog who lives in St. Augustine, FL.
Although I have no specific information for you from Shelly, Boo's human, St. Auguustine, FL is next door to Jacksonville and as you will see from Mercedes predictions, 3 big hurricanes came in from the Gulf Coast this year: Katrina, was the deadliest, but was joined by Dennis (before her) and Rita (after her).