Animal Communication
A Typical Communication
Many clients ask what they can expect from a communication session. Darlene and Andy shared with their friends their own session from notes they took while we were communicating. They agreed to share it with you as well, even though it is in note form and not a transcript. As you will see, Shiloh is a new dog to the household and they are trying to help her get comfortable and understand that there are only a few rules she needs to learn and follow. She is safe here.
Here you go:
- The session starting: talking to and about Shiloh, our newest dog.
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- She was with her mother and was safe. May have been about 6 weeks. The scars on her snout were when she was called Sherry. She was without her mother there.
- The place before the Humane Society was AWFUL, dirty and a very scary place.
- Question from Colleen if she has a hearing problem. We didn't think so, but she doesn't.
- Answer to her name usually. She felt that her other senses were acute/keen and that sometimes is when there is a hearing impairment.
- She's very tired. She sleeps with one eye open. Told she doesn't have to worry anymore.
- She says she likes Cosmos a lot.
- She's wary of Micky. There is respect going on between the two of them.
- Told by Colleen that cats can be very good friends to dogs. Response "I hope so."
- Discussed defecating in the house. Colleen told her it's very important to go outside. Telling her to go outside. Shiloh never had rules. They went when/where they were. She likes to outdoors but is afraid to ask to go out. She asked, if we will pay attention.
- She's careful. Doesn't want to be too noisy. "She has a subdued bark," says Andy.
- She's very alert, on guard. She was told she can relax. She wants to please, but doesn't know how to.
- Her mother looks like a Collie, has long hair and long snout, but isn't a Collie.
- Told them about the electronic fence and the need for them to stay in our yard, but they will be able to run the entire 3/4 acres. Cosmos response: Will he look STUPID if he falls on it? She told him, "No, he will look very smart that he can stay on his property. He says, "I think I AM smart."
- Micky: Does that mean me too? "No". Oh Good! Told Colleen how sick he was and that he almost died. He said he's fine now.
- Asked that Cosmos back off Shiloh a little bit. He responded," Why?" Not too dominant/bossy. He said to Shiloh, "You WILL play with me. "
- Told he needs to stop jumping on people due to his size. He feels it's STUPID for people to be afraid of HIM.
- Shiloh: "Why would people be mean?" She told her that some animals are mean too. They just aren't smart. This was in her past and she doesn't have to worry now.
- She could use more meat. Protein....good quality. Not for a long time, but it has been missing.
- Told we feed them in separate areas. She likes to take her time.
Cosmos is bigger than her. So she thinks she won't
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- Cosmos says he wants to learn tricks.
- Pleasant Grove Country Park, Shiloh likes it. Cosmos says it feels like where he came from with lots of space. They like our being there with them.
- Shiloh: Feels like a dog living in a dream. She knows when we take her somewhere that she keeps coming back to the same place. As for the crate, she likes having her own space and she doesn't mind the door closed.
- Cosmos likes petting when he has time.
- We discussed when he tears things up when we leave due to his stress, and that's why we got Shiloh so he has a companion and isn't alone. He says, "I'm not stressed. I'm relaxed." Likes to take a nap sometimes when we are away.
- Shiloh likes the music we play for them when we are gone. She hasn't heard that kind before. May have been loud music before where she was. Cosmos doesn't care.
- Cosmos: Asked about his background. He says he came from his mother.
- Colleen says that they ALL say that. He had 5 brothers. Lived in farm like situation. He went to a house that didn't like him, not with his mother then. He doesn't THINK he did anything wrong. Picked up on a road near the place where he was born. He's fine now.
- Cosmos says he's a real happy guy. He loves the color yellow and
would Mom get me a yellow blanket? He said, "It's a
- Shiloh: Belief, can stay here. How to ask to go outdoors. Come to us or bark. Afraid to bark in the house. It's okay for this purpose and she must go outside for the bathroom.
- Cosmos helps her to learn to go outside.
- Asked that they give Micky some space. Cosmos response," WHY?" And they ended with, "Great Session! Darlene & Andy L."
Remember this is one small example of a communication session. During yours, you can ask whatever you wish, whatever is most important for you to better understand or convey to your animal. It can be anything from a new friend coming to live with them, a friend having to leave (for whatever reason), health care issues, behavior issues, end-of-life concerns, dietary needs or woes, exercise preferences, what their favorite things are, etc.
The real key is to put some thought into it before your session begins because communications can take on a life of their own, the 20 minutes goes by very fast, and nothing important will be forgotten.