Squiggles — Long Island, NY
"I don't remember if I was dreaming that I was a piglet who got a people mom, or that I was a pig who re-found his real mother. In the end it matters not because the reality of it all is that I was loved from the first day I took my first earthly breath, to the last day that I took my last earthly breath. Squiggles was a pig loved by someone special, and on most days it numbered more than two."
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Center photo: Squiggles (5 months old) and his beaming human mom, Veronica McKnight, enjoy the glory of Squig taking First Place in the "Any Bribe Will Do" race, under 40 pound division. It was the first of three blue ribbons Squiggles won that day. The race was part of the First Annual Pignic and Olympigs held in Long Island, New York in 1992. It was sponsored by the Long Island Pot-Bellied Pig Association.