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Through the years… a few pics of the people and animals I’ve been honored to communicate for and teach.

Summertime, Summertime, sum-sum-Summertime.

Happy Summer!

In the not too distant past, I remember with much joy, sliding into Summertime. The good times with family, friends and the creatures I love, celebrating outdoors with cook-outs, kayaking, bonfires and fire flies. We are seeing today that climate change is very real and this year seems to be plagued with a lot of severe weather, and it’s not just we people who are affected by it. Around the world nature is wreaking havoc on this planet so no matter where you live, I hope you have prepared for yourself and the animals you love, should a disaster come to your hometown.

There’s boat loads of info on the web about just what have on hand if it’s ever needed. I’d like to add just a few Homeopathic Remedies that you can keep in your stash./p>

    Aconitum napellus 30C: ANXIETY, FEAR, PANIC and SHOCK, Accidents, Burns, Injury to Eyes, Hemorrhage, STROKE. Sudden Violent Fevers. Shock from Psychological Trauma. This remedy is often referred to as the Homeopathic Valium™
    Arnica montana 30C: For any bruise, fall, bang, blow or TRAUMA to the body. It will help relieve pain and speed healing, while helping to control bleeding and keep infection at bay.
    Hypericum perforatum 30C: For any INJURY TO NERVE-RICH AREAS along with PUNCTURE WOUNDS. Severe concussion of the brain, spinal injuries, crushed fingers, toes, tail bone injuries.
    Ignatia amara 30C: ACUTE GRIEF due to the loss of someone you love through death OR separation. So this remedy is great if you and your animals have to be separated, wether for vacations which they just can’t go on with you, or worse yet, when emergency sheltering doesn’t allow your animals to stay with you. Even horses that have to be evacuated to a different barn suffer with grief. This remedy can help.
    Ledum paulstre 30C: For PUNCTURE WOUNDS including those from sharp objects, BITES, STINGS or Vaccinations.

2-3 little pellets of remedy equals 1 dose. You can give a dose every 15-30 minutes apart for 3-4 doses, then back off to 3-4 times a day for a few days. The rule of thumb is that “as symptoms improve, back off on ‘how often’ you give it’ until symptoms disappear. Note: Homeopathy treats symptoms, not species!

I truly hope you never need any of these remedies. Perhaps simply having them in your emergency kit will help insure that?! I’m wishing you and the animals you adore a Summer filled with lovely weather, much joy and many new adventures.

If you’d like to communicate with your animals about anything, I’m on Summer Hours now until September 23rd. 11-4 Mondays & 11-7 Tuesdays & Wednesdays, EASTERN TIME. I’ll be happy to get you onto my schedule.

Colleen — 23 May 2024

2023-2024 Hours

SUMMER HOURS – 5/20 through 9/23

11am-4pm Eastern Time Mondays

11am-7pm Eastern Time Tuesdays—Wednesdays

Animal Communication

Animal Communication is a telepathic bridge between species which has no distance boundaries, whether here in the physical or on the Other Side. It is fast paced & packed with info which you are an active participant in. It comes in the form of mental images, sensations, feelings… basically I am your interpreter, taking all that your animal is sharing & putting it into English for you because that is the only language I speak.

    Forge deeper bonds & better understand:

    Health issues
    Behavioral problems
    Training block
    Moving or going on vacation
    New arrivals to the family
    Crossing over

I do sessions by telephone & have a flexible schedule so that I can work with yours.
Contact me to set up your session today. You can communicate with as many animals as you wish during your appointment.

Worldwide Clientele

Clients in the U.S.A, Canada, Australia, England, Ireland, Norway, Poland, Mexico, Spain, Turkey, Puerto Rico, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, India, Belgium, Japan, Scotland, New Zealand, Israel, Philippines, Costa Rica, Barbados, Germany, Italy & the Netherlands.

CBD for pets & people available!
Lazarus Naturals CBD for Pets & People
E-mail for more info as it's taking more time than expected to get online ordering up.

Meet Colleen

Colleen Nicholson is a: world renowned Animal Communicator; Author; Homeopath, Educator; Reiki Master, Reconnective Healing & Quantum Touch Energy Healing Practitioner working with animals and their people around the world from her location in Central New York.

Since 1995 she has worked with animals of all species, from mouse to elephant, turtle to whales and of course cats & dogs. She has designed and taught certifying Animal Communication Seminars, given talks on stage, in smaller more-intimate settings and for both local and national TV & Radio broadcast media. For 5 years she was a monthly contributing columnist for the National Potbelly Pig Association’s newsletter titled “Homeopathy for Farm & Home.”

Since 2003, Colleen’s pro-bono work is for the Associated Humane Societies @ Popcorn Park Zoo in the pine barrens of Forked River, NJ. During seminars held there, Colleen also trains Zoo & Society Staff tuition-free.

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Contact Me

Feel free to Email, Phone or Snail-mail me:



    Animal Wellness
    9099 Oneida River Park Dr
    Clay, NY 13041 USA

A Timeless Book for all ages:

Crossing the Rainbow Bridge: Animal Journeys to Heaven

Somewhere, just this side of Heaven, is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

Colleen & 38 of her animal clients will take you on a spiritually uplifting journey past grief, on into the celestial & eternal worlds of Animal Heaven. Available in the US, UK & Australia & here by calling or emailing. 254 pgs, soft cover, $23.95